Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grace is one!

As I type this, I can hear you "talking" yourself to sleep. I love hearing your sweet jabbering and occasional words. It seems like you know that you are turning 1 this week because you have really started saying more like yes, hi, and uh-oh as well as drinking from cups without throwing a fit! You continue to be a very happy, easy baby even though you have had 2 double ear infections in the last 2 months.
You love to play with your brother and sister especially when Daddy builds you a big pallet in the living room. You flop around like it was made just for you.
You have the best cheesy scrunchy-nose grin when you are being silly or mischevious, esp. in the cabinets. Speaking of cabinets, you have recently discovered that the tupperware cabinet is super fun to empty out and crawl into.
You look like your big brother but have your own spunky personality and no one can make you laugh like your sister. You continue to be a momma's girl which I secretly love!
A few stats at 1 year old: 6 teeth, picky eater you but love spaghetti, bananas, blueberries, and crackers. You aren't walking yet but are very close. You have a great laugh! When Daddy comes home at the end of the day, you want him to hold you and cry if he leaves the room without taking you.
We love you to pieces!

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