As of yesterday, John Paul is 2 weeks old. In his short 2 week life, he has already accomplished many things:
2 doctors visits (the doctor actually said he is perfect!), grown 2 inches, gained 11 ounces, gotten a bigger head (no, not from hearing how cute he is), moved to stage 1 diapers, and 1 trip to Walmart (Mom would have preferred Target but time is an issue these days).
Last weekend, all the family finally met John Paul. His Aunt JoAnna, cousins Bailey and Abby, Great Grammy, and Uncle Stephen all came to visit. He didn't seem to mind the attention.
We are still learning and adjusting to our new phase of life. Probably the most entertaining is watching Dad change diapers. Most of the time it goes smoothly but occasionally, the pee shoots in all directions when the head is turned! (too be fair, it has happened to Mom too!) So, Parenting lesson #2: Always take cover, never turn your head, and throwing the diaper in the stream of pee doesn't help!