Our vacation this summer included a few days in Waco to visit grandparents and have a little fun. One morning we took the kids to the Mayburn Children's Museum on the Baylor campus and they loved it! Play areas,dress up clothes, water and bubble rooms, live animals, and a lego exhibit were just a few highlights. I would recommend it!
John Paul's tball team was invited to join the Round Rock Express team on the field before a game. The kids were asked to run to various places on the field with a pro-player and stay with them for the National Anthem. Well, these kids all took off to 2nd base and had to be herded to other spots. It was a great night for the kids and entertaining for the adults!
John Paul is on the Raptors t-ball team this summer with some of his friends from church. He talks a big game and likes to hit and run when he isn't playing in the dirt, eating sunflower seeds or talking to the other players. Needless to say, it is fun to watch!