Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Lazy Lion likes to sleep. He stretches out and snores!

But if you dare to wake him up, he pounces and he roars!!

John Paul has another costume, so come back for more pictures soon!


Joyce B. said...

He is such a cutie. He makes a great lion! I can't see so much of the roaring though.

Thanks for the picture for my very own.

Perks said...

What a cutie pie!!!

Britney said...

How sweet he looks! He does make a great lion...what happened to the "other" costume? : )

Megan said...

I have never wanted to give a lion a hug before now. You are so cute John Paul!


I have to say it too... He is sooo cute! As a lion and a pope!

Amber said...


Carrie said...

He looks adorable! I love the lion costume.